On site testing and inspection services are one of the primary aspects of quality construction. We employ ACI and IDOT certified field technicians who can help you meet the specifications required for the building trades.
Compaction Testing-with Nuclear Density Gauges
Fill, Backfill and Sub-Grade Evaluation and Observation
Conventional Footings Observation and Testing
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Tests
Proof-roll Observation and Verification of Subgrade Stability
Hydrated Lime and Cement Stabilization of Soil Subgrade
Sampling and Testing for Slump, Air Content, Yield, and Strength Testing
Floor Flatness Conformance
Test Cores for Strength and Compliance
Masonry, Mortar and Grout Prisms
Non-Destructive Swiss Hammer and Windsor Probe
Batch Plant Control and Testing
Asphaltic Concrete Properties and Strength
Extraction and Gradation of Bituminous Concrete
Field Density Testing with Nuclear Density Gauges
Other Testing Services
Soil Resistivity Testing (Wenner Four Pin Method)
Pile Driving Observation
Drilled Pier Observation
Footing Strength Tests with Penetrometers and Static Cone Penetrometers