Drilling Services

Part of the HFE difference.... is our all-terrain ability to access the toughest of sites. We employ three all-terrain drilling rigs to meet the changing needs of our clients and to provide subsurface exploration in the worst of environments.

Our drillers have in excess of 40 years of experience drilling, soil sampling, and groundwater well and piezometer installations for both HFE and as subcontract drilling for other geotechnical firms.  All employees are 24 hour MSHA safety trained, including yearly updates.  Our drillers have experience drilling any depth of boring from two feet deep topsoil sampling to  two hundred feet deep soil borings and rock cores.

Recent Projects

" Let's see if it floats! "  


words you never want to hear from a crane operator.....


click HERE for more pictures

When Shakespeare Aggregates needed recommendations regarding the design of their footings for a new Cyclone sand processor at their Brenda Kay Facility, they asked HFE for assistance.....


Click HERE for more pictures

So what do you do when it's the second coldest day of the year?   You go drill some holes...    


Actually, that's what we do anyday of the year. Here's just another look at our team in action at the project site.


Click HERE for more pictures

See us in action below...

Contact Us 

Holcomb Engineering
393 Wood Road
Carbondale, Illinois  62901

Phone: +1 618 529 5262


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